Indus Valley Civilization
- ‘Both the beginning and the end of the IVC were not sudden’ do you agree. Give reasons.
- Write the salient features of IVC with special reference to town planning.
- ‘(By 1750 BC) what ended were cities of IVC but not the culture’. Elucidate.
- Discuss the growth of Art and Architecture in IVC.
Vedic Civilization
- Discuss the growth of religious and philosophical literature during Vedic age.
- Discuss the significance /contribution /legacy of the Vedic culture and how it was different to the earlier civilization.
- Give a brief account of the changes in the political system from Rig Vedic to Later Vedic period with special reference to the evolution of Monarchy.
- Discuss the element of change between early vedic economy and later vedic economy. What role did iron lay in this change.
- Discuss the social system of Vedic age with special reference to emergence and salient features of Varna system. Was it (Varna) so rigid in ancient period?
Pre-Mauryan Age
- Trace out the Persian and Macedonian invasions and their impact over India.
- ‘The differences between Monarchies and Republics of 6th C BC are seen not only in politico-administrative sphere but in the whole way of life’. Discuss.
- Describe the early state formation in Indo-Gangetic basin. Trace out the factors that led to ascendancy of Magadha.
- Describe the factors that contributed to the urbanization in Indo-Gangetic basin. How it was different with early urbanization?
- ‘Among many factors that led to the emergence of heterodox religion in 6th C BC, the intensification of social stratification is the main one’. Do you agree?
- Describe the factors responsible for the rise and growth of Buddhism and Jainism.
Mauryan Age
- Discuss the comparative merits of Ashokan inscriptions over the literary evidences, as the source of information, for the study of Mauryan Empire.
- Describe the principles of Ashoka’s Dhamma in the light of his edicts. Do you think that it is still relevant to the present society?
- ‘The Mauryan art is the first imperial art in India’. Discuss.
- Briefly discuss the administration of Mauryans with special reference to their foreign policy/ external relations.
- To what extent Ashoka is responsible to the decline of Mauryan Empire.
Post-Mauryan / Pre-Guptan
- Give an account of Sangam texts. To what extent they are useful to study the society of Tamilham in early centuries of Christian era. (South to Vengalam Hills to Kanyakumari – Tamilham i.e. three Tamil kingdoms)
- Discuss the economic developments in post-Mauryan period with special reference to foreign trade and growth of urban centers.
- Briefly discuss socio-religious conditions of India between 200BC to 300AD.
- Describe chief Schools of Art developed in post-Mauryan period. How they were influenced by the contemporary economic-religious developments.
- Critically examine the conquests of Samudragupta in the light of Prayaga (Allahabad) prasasti.
- Discuss the social conditions of the Guptan Age describing the position of common man and women.
- Briefly describe the economy of the Guptan Empire with special reference to land grants and decay in urban centers.
- Bring out the striking differences between Mauryan and Guptan administration. Do you find any feudal elements in Guptan administration?
- Guptan age witnessed, if not golden age, classical age the history of ancient Indian. Examine the statement explaining the growth of literature, art and architecture in this period.
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