Chapter – I Introduction
1a) Meaning, Scope and Significance of Public Administration
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 1-9] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 1 -11] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 1 -10]
- ‘Publicness’ of public administration in an ideal democratic government remains the ultimate value in theory and practice. Elucidate. 2001 (200 Words)
- ‘The advent of the concept of ‘roll back of the state’ since the nineteen eighties has been altering the role of public administration but certainly not diminishing its central place in human society.’ Discuss. 2003 (200 Words)
- ‘If public administration is to play a major legitimizing role in governing our complex society, it needs to be more fully conceptualized.’ Discuss. 2003 (200 Words)
1b) Wilson’s vision of Public Administration
Administrative thinkers – Prasad et al [Pg: 41-49]
- ‘Administrative questions are not political questions’. Discuss. 2003 (200 Words)
- ‘Calling Woodrow Wilson, the father of Public Administration is doing injustice to equally or even more eminent contributions made prior to him.’ Comment 2008 (200 Words)
- ‘The field of Public Administration is a field of business.’ (Woodrow Wilson) 2009 (200 Words)
1c) Evolution of the discipline and its present studies
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg: 62-66] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 12-14; 49-57; 77-80] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 10 -15; 22-28; 449-454] and
Public Administration and Affairs by N Henry (2009 Edn) [Pg 27-40]
- Describe the evolution of the discipline of public administration with special emphasis on post-1970 developments. 2002 (Essay)
- Give an account of major landmarks in the growth of the discipline of public administration in the 20th century. What are the possible trends in its growth in the first decade of 21st century? 2003 (Essay)
1d) New Public Administration
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg: 40-43] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 58-69] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 15-22]
- Minnobrook Conference in USA identified four features crucial to ‘new public administration’. Explain. 2001 (200 Words)
- ‘New public administration is… a revolution or radicalism in words, and (at best) status-quo in skills or technologies.’ Comment. 2009 (200 Words)
1e) Public Choice approach
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 77-80] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 22-23]
1f) Challenges of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 439-447]
- Explain the impact of privatization on public administration with special reference to: 2010
Public-private partnership (20 M)
Outsourcing technique (20 M)
1g) Good Governance: Concept and Application
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 81-85] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 405-410]
- Democracy and good governance are contradictions in terms. Discuss with Examples. 2004 (Essay)
- In what ways and how can information technology play a crucial role in effective government-citizen interaction in the context of good governance? 2005 (Essay)
- ‘Not merely governance but good governance is the key factor in achieving the United Nations Millennium Goals (2000).’ 2010 (200 Words)
1h) New Public Management
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 70-6] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 387-402]
- ‘The New Public management’ (NPM) is an incarnation of a new model of public sector management in response of the challenges of liberalization, international competitiveness and technological changes.’ Explain. 2003 (200 Words)
- In the last two decades, almost all countries of the world have experienced transformations in their administrative system.’ Explain this phenomenon with examples from the developed and the developing nations in the context of New Public Management Movement. 2008 (Essay)
- It is said that ‘the perspective of public administration, developed over a century, with a tradition of management of public institutions and services has received a jolt from the novelty of NPM.’
- Bring out the core values, approachers and assumptions of traditional public administration and show how the NPM has attempted to change or retain them, and to what extent. 2009 (Essay)
- ‘NPM is dead; long live digital era of governance.’ Comment 2010 (20 M)
Chapter – II Administrative Thought
2a) Scientific Management and Scientific Management Movements
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg: 194-198] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 125 -129] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 54 -57]
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Pg 60 – 70] (2010 Edn)
- ‘Taylor scientific management ignored social and Psychological factors.’ Comment. 2007 (200 Words)
- Taylor’s contribution was not a set of general principles for organizing work efficiency, but a set of operating procedures that could be employed in each concrete situation to secure their application.’ Comment. 2009 (20 M) (200 Words)
2b) Classical Theory (Fayol, Urwick and Others)
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg: 189 - 191] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 121 - 125] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 57 - 60] and
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Pg 49 – 58 and 82 - 93] (2010 Edn)
- Why do all administrative organizations consider ‘hierarchy’ as the many splendored ‘technique’? Discuss. 2001 (Essay)
- ‘The failure of classical science of administration lies in its capacity to confront theory with evidence’. Discuss. 2005 (Essay)
- Critically examine the Classical Science of Administration with special reference to its criticism by Dwight Waldo and Robert Dahl. 2006 (Essay)
- ‘The distinction between line and staff is relative rather than absolute.’ Discuss. 2007 (200 Words)
- From Woodrow Wilson to Herbert Simon most writers on administration have taken the achievement of efficiency as the central objective. Justify the statement with references to the work of major writers. 2009 (Essay)
2c) Weber’s bureaucratic model – its critique and post-Weberian Developments
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg: 191 - 194] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 129 - 132] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 68 - 90] and
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Pg 71 – 80 (Mark Weber) and 256 – 269 (Karl Marx)] (2010 Edn)
- Critically examine the models of Maximum Weber and Chester I Barnard with reference to ‘bureaucratic authority’. 2001 (200 Words)
- ‘Weberian model of bureaucracy lacks empirical validity when applied to modern democratic administration.’ Examine 2003 (200 Words)
- Bureaucracy can exist only when the whole service of the state is removed from the common political life of the people, its chiefs as well as rank and file. Its motives, its objectives, its policy, its standards must be bureaucratic.’ Discuss. 2004 (200 Words)
- Weber’s ideas of impersonal detachment and esprit de corps are incompatible. Explain. 2004 (Essay)
- Consider the statements below and identify the theoretical context and analyses the above statements. 2009 (300 Words)
- ‘Technically, the bureaucracy represents the purest type of legal-rational authority.’
- ‘Bureaucracy does not represent the only type of legal authority.’
2d) Dynamic administration – Mary Parker Follett
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 132 - 135] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 64 - 67] and
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Pg 95 – 104] (2010 Edn)
- In Follett’s view, ‘authority belongs to job and stays with the job.’ Explain. 2005 (200 Words)
- ‘The main problem with Mary Parker Follett’s work is that her idealism is showing.’ Explain. 2006 (200 Words)
- ‘Mary parker Follett was far ahead of her times.’ Discuss. 2008 (200 Words)
2e) Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and Others)
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 202 – 207] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 137 - 143] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 93 - 94] and
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Pg 104 - 114] (2010 Edn)
- Explain the contribution of George Elton Mayo to the development of the Human Relations School. How did behavioral scientists modify his basic findings? 2002 (Essay)
2f) Functions of the Executive (Chester I Barnard)
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 135 - 137] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 96 - 97] and
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Pg 136 - 151] (2010 Edn)
- ‘The inculcation of belief in the real existence of a common purpose is an essential executive function.’ Comment. 2001 (200 Words)
2g) Simon’s Decision Making Theory
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 208 -211; 709 -725] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 278 - 284] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 175 - 178] and
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Pg 129 - 139] (2010 Edn)
- A fairly adequate analysis of the administrative organization in government is possible when we treat ‘bureaucracy’ as a ‘structure’ and ‘administration’ as a ‘function’. Discuss. 2001 (Essay)
- The ‘decision-making scheme’ and ‘satisficing model’ of Hebert A. Simon is the major component of administrative theory. Comment. 2001 (Essay)
- ‘Simon’s work has had major implications for the study of public administration and the practice of public administration professionalism.’ Comment. 2006 (200 Words)
- Examine the respective roles of facts and values in the decision-making process. Is it possible to make value-free decisions in government system? How can government decisions be made more rational? 2008 (Essay)
- ‘Simon’s identifying decision-making as the core field of public administration appears logically acceptable but his positivist under pinning is problematic.’ Critically examine the statement. 2010 (40 M)
2h) Participative Management [R Likert, C Argyris, D Mc Gregor]
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad [Likert Pg 186 – 197; Argyris 161 - 172; McGregor 150 – 159]
- Analyze McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y. Do you agree with the view that with every passing year, McGregor’s message has become more relevant and more important? Substantiate your answer (Essay) 2007
- ‘In McGregor’s view, the managerial cosmology meaningfully addresses the understanding of manager and his role perceptions. Explain (200 Words) 2010
- ‘The successful management leaders are found in Likert’s System-4 approach to organizational leadership.’ Examine (200 Words) 2010
Chapter – III Administrative Behavior
3b) Communication
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 687 -709] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 285 - 293] and
Essentials of organization and behavior by Robbins and Judge [Pg 158 – 170]
- The nature and role of communication in administration vindicate that ‘Communication is authority’. Comment (200 Words) 2001
3c) Morale
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 682 -686] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 302 - 304] and
Organizational behavior by L M Prasad [Pg 373 – 350]
- What is meant by morale? There is a belief that ‘morale and productivity go hand in hand and higher the morale, higher the productivity.’ Do you agree? Substantiate. (Essay) 2007
3d) Motivation Theories – Content, Process and Contemporary
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 665 -682] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 294 - 302] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 190 – 194] and
Essentials of organization behavior by Robbins and Judge [Pg 69 – 86] and
Administrative Thinkers – Prasad et al [Pg 141-149 (Maslow) and 173-184(Herzberg)]
- Compare Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation and Herzberg’s motivation – hygiene theory. Do you think that they are universally applicable? If so, why? If not, why not? (Essay) 2002
- Motivation theory is not synonymous with behavior theory. The motivations are only one class of determinants of behavior while behavior is almost always motivated; it is also almost always biologically, culturally, and situationally determined as well. Comment (200 Words) 2004
- The Barnard – Simon theory of Organization is essentially a theory of motivation. Comment (200 Words) 2009
3e) Theories of Leadership
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 633 -665] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 260 - 267] and
Essentials of Organization Behavior – Robbins and Judge [Pg 175 – 195]
- ‘Leaders do the right things, managers do them rightly.’ (Bennis) Comment (200 Words) 2008
Chapter – IV Organizations
4a) Theories – Systems, Contingency
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 211 - 215] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 150 - 151] and
New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 175 – 195] and
Organizational Behavior – L M Prasad [Pg 383 – 386]
4b) Structure and Forms - Ministers and Departments, Corporations, Companies, Boards and Commissions; Ad-hoc and Advisory Bodies
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 241 - 305] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 155 - 204]
- Public corporations are not an end in themselves but an extension of the government activities designed to promote public welfare – Substantiate (200 Words) 2002
- Autonomy and accountability in Public Enterprises cannot walk together. Explain (200 Words) 2008
- To claim that a company or a corporation form is always more effective than a departmental form of organization is an outdated view. The real test of a sound structure is its capacity to balance decisional autonomy and operational flexibility with optimal accountability. Critically examine this statement. (Essay) 2008
- There is not doubt that departmentalization is fraught with complexities. These are in part technical, in part political. Discuss (200 Words) 2009
4c) Headquarters and Field Relationships
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 306 - 323] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 233 - 243]
4d) Regulatory Authorities
Public Administration in Theory and Practice – Sadhana and Sharma [Pg 267 - 276] Or
Public Administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 205 - 209]
Chapter – V Accountability and Control
5a) Concepts of Accountability and Control
Public administration - Avasthi and Maheshwari [Pg 582 – 585] and
New Horizons of Public administration by Mohit Bhattacharya [Pg 182 – 188]
- The administrator needs autonomy and discretion in much the same way as the politician needs control and intervention. Discuss (200 Words) 2004
thanks for this compilation
ReplyDeletecould you provide the same for other chapters as well
yes.. a nice one. do update more. Thnx.